Advance Diploma in Software Engg.
Under this level, We offering the most basics and necessary courses which is base for every IT / Office Professionals. A candidate who is fresher and looking for short period but job oriented courses must join this course.
Duration : 1 Year
Course Curriculum
Exam & Certification
Who should attend?
Under this level, We offering the most basics and necessary courses which is base for every IT / Office Professionals. A candidate who is fresher and looking for short period but job oriented courses must join this course.
Course Curriculum
Course Curriculum
- Web Designing Concept HTML /DHTML
- Html Overveiw , Basic Tag like etc.., Attributes, class, title & style. Html Formatting bold italic
- Html images insert, Set Image Alignment, Set Image Border, Set Image Width/Height Set Image Location
- Html Table ,Table Header, Body, and Footer, Table Caption, Table Height and Width, Tables Backgrounds, Colspan and Row span Attributes,Cellpadding and Cell spacing Attributes, Table Heading & row column
- Html List
- – An unordered list. This will list items using plain bullets.
- – An ordered list. This will use different schemes of numbers to list your items.
– A definition list.
- Html Frameset . Html Background with Colors
- Html Background with Images
- HTML Colors, bgcolor – sets a color for the background of the page.
- text – sets a color for the body text.
- alink – sets a color for active links or selected .
- link – sets a color for linked text.
- vlink – sets a color for visited links – that is, for linked text that you have already clicked on.
- HTML Fonts, Set Font Size, Relative Font Size, Setting Font Face, Specify alternate font faces, Setting Font Color
- HTML Form Controls, Text Input Controls, Checkboxes, Radio Box, Select Box Controls, File Select boxes, Hidden Controls, Submit and Reset Button, Password input controls
- Html Style Sheet CSS (External Style Sheet ,Internal Style Sheet & Inline Style Sheet)
- CSS Background Color. CSS Background Image
- CSS Text Formatting, text, Color ,Alignment, Decoration, Transformation
- CSS Font Families, Font Style, Font Size.
- CSS Table , Table Border, Table Width & Height., Table Padding, Table Color. CSS Border
- CSS Float Property, Element Float. CSS Navigation Bar = List Of Link, CSS Shadow Effect
- Photoshop use in Web Design
- Flash Assignment 1: Drawing Basic Objects
- Flash Assignment 2: Frame-by-Frame, Motion Tweens and Shape Tweens.
- Flash Assignment 3: Motion Tween Animation with Motion Guides and Masks
- Flash Assignment 4: Intermediate Animation Techniques with Classic Tweens and Shape Tweens
- Flash Assignment 5: Introduction to Dynamic Animation Using the Set Property Action
- Flash Assignment 6: Loading a Movie Into a Specific Spot on Your Screen
- Coding in Dreamweaver html , css, java. Dreamweaver inserting table, image , image rollover, Css Linking , script Linking .
- Form Creating In Dreamweaver like text box, Radio Button, Text Area, Check Box, Submit Button , Reset Button
- Java Script For Name Validation
- Java Script For Number Validation
- Java Script For Email Validation
- Java Script Alert , Prompt & Confirm Box. Change of Bg Color Using Java Script
- GIF Animator.& Front End & Back End Concept
- File Transfer Protocol. E-Commerce Concept
- Project on Web Designing. How to create pages, How to coding in that pages, how to design pages, use of css in project , use of java script in pages , Inserting Flash in page , inserting Gif in your home page.
Exam & Certification
Who should attend?