Certificate Course in Web Designing.
Under this level, We offering the most basics and necessary courses which is base for every IT / Office Professionals. A candidate who is fresher and looking for short period but job oriented courses must join this course.
Duration : 3 Months
Web design is the process of creating websites. It encompasses several different aspects, including webpage layout, content production, and graphic design. This type of editor provides a visual interface for designing the webpage layout and the software automatically generates the corresponding HTML and CSS code.
Designing a good website is a complex process; that involves conceptualization, planning, graphic designing, content development, interactivity programming and proper guided execution by experienced professionals.
Website today has become one of the most effective and cost efficient means of marketing. Many big and small organizations advertise their products through the World Wide Web.
Users on the Internet don’t just want to read about your company and its products, but they want to be dazzled by powerful layouts, graphics, multimedia and most importantly interaction with your company.
A website is your investment with definite objectives, and if scooped-out and implemented correctly, it translates into measurable results for your organization. A website is always working 24×7 for you. If you aren’t doing at least some part of your business over the Web, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. Today, the Web forms either an integral part of the business or a fabulous means to extend it.
Course Curriculum
- Web Designing Concept HTML /DHTML
- Html Overveiw , Basic Tag like etc.., Attributes eg.id, class, title & style. Html Formatting bold italic
- Html images insert, Set Image Alignment, Set Image Border, Set Image Width/Height Set Image Location
- Html Table ,Table Header, Body, and Footer, Table Caption, Table Height and Width, Tables Backgrounds, Colspan and Row span Attributes,Cellpadding and Cell spacing Attributes, Table Heading & row column
- Html List
- – An unordered list. This will list items using plain bullets.
- – An ordered list. This will use different schemes of numbers to list your items.
– A definition list.
- Html Frameset . Html Background with Colors
- Html Background with Images
- HTML Colors, bgcolor – sets a color for the background of the page.
- text – sets a color for the body text.
- alink – sets a color for active links or selected .
- link – sets a color for linked text.
- vlink – sets a color for visited links – that is, for linked text that you have already clicked on.
- HTML Fonts, Set Font Size, Relative Font Size, Setting Font Face, Specify alternate font faces, Setting Font Color
- HTML Form Controls, Text Input Controls, Checkboxes, Radio Box, Select Box Controls, File Select boxes, Hidden Controls, Submit and Reset Button, Password input controls
- Html Style Sheet CSS (External Style Sheet ,Internal Style Sheet & Inline Style Sheet)
- CSS Background Color. CSS Background Image
- CSS Text Formatting, text, Color ,Alignment, Decoration, Transformation
- CSS Font Families, Font Style, Font Size.
- CSS Table , Table Border, Table Width & Height., Table Padding, Table Color. CSS Border
- CSS Float Property, Element Float. CSS Navigation Bar = List Of Link, CSS Shadow Effect
- Photoshop use in Web Design
- Flash Assignment 1: Drawing Basic Objects
- Flash Assignment 2: Frame-by-Frame, Motion Tweens and Shape Tweens.
- Flash Assignment 3: Motion Tween Animation with Motion Guides and Masks
- Flash Assignment 4: Intermediate Animation Techniques with Classic Tweens and Shape Tweens
- Flash Assignment 5: Introduction to Dynamic Animation Using the Set Property Action
- Flash Assignment 6: Loading a Movie Into a Specific Spot on Your Screen
- Coding in Dreamweaver html , css, java. Dreamweaver inserting table, image , image rollover, Css Linking , script Linking .
- Form Creating In Dreamweaver like text box, Radio Button, Text Area, Check Box, Submit Button , Reset Button
- Java Script For Name Validation
- Java Script For Number Validation
- Java Script For Email Validation
- Java Script Alert , Prompt & Confirm Box. Change of Bg Color Using Java Script
- GIF Animator.& Front End & Back End Concept
- File Transfer Protocol. E-Commerce Concept
- Project on Web Designing. How to create pages, How to coding in that pages, how to design pages, use of css in project , use of java script in pages , Inserting Flash in page , inserting Gif in your home page.